Team Charter
Charter Established - 20 Nov, 2022
Amended 10/01/2024
Overview Of Themes
Members and Recruits are 100% free to develop their own character to include amongst this team of misfits, picking their own style and personal theming so long as it conforms to the rules of the event.
Goals for Team Involvement
Present more opportunities for member involvement outside of the events.
Promote individual responsibility to the larger group
Allow for transparency and accountability from all members regarding both monetary and labor costs of team operation.​
Post Apocalyptic
​The Public Eye is a secret organization of spies that take out contract “kills” on our targets. Every team member is a part of bringing to life this theme of mystery and performing in their own way. The games we offer enhance our theme while the events showcase the team's talent. The location's theme is an abandoned Red Rocket Mega Truck Stop that has been made into our very own ratz nest. With these immersive elements alongside our nightly hoppin’ bar and bustling daily barter garage we offer a solid 360° experience to all of the wasteland. Options for live stage events.
Sci-Fi / CyberPunk / Future
Obscurity is a secret organization that was created in order to help cure cybernetic system malfunctions from all individuals across the galaxy. They hide under the guise of a simple tea shop that that is a cover for the music Atunement room that allows individuals to step inside a sensory depravation room in order to enjoy a moment of peace and music. Larger options for events and music performances and DJ sets.
Renaissance / Fantasy Festivals
Disorder, a group of rogues who fight for peace and free will and embody the concept of chaos, inspired by the real-life Order of Assassins and Robin Hood. Character street actors, dancers for hire, and store front selling "reclaimed wares" of fantasy jewelry and props.
Other Events
More soon... ​​
Team Structure
We require a system that allows members to take on more responsibility regarding the planning and execution stages of the events in order to distribute the weight of the work to everyone. A committee-based structure is the simplest path to that end.
Under this plan, the team will meet once per month. At each meeting, we will work as a group to identify specific tasks and projects that need to be completed, and create temporary volunteer-based committees of three to five participants to complete each individual task. No more than four temporary committees should be active at any given time. Members (defined below) will deliberate and assign a budget to each committee upon formation, as well as decide on a deadline, and specific criteria for project completion (budget is subject to approval from team Lead). Further, members will determine which officer should oversee the project. It will then be the committee participants’ responsibility to meet individually, create a timeline, and develop a plan to execute their project. Decisions related to the committee project must be agreed upon unanimously by all committee participants. Each month, active committees will report on their progress, including informing the team of whether their project is on-schedule and on-budget. Committees will be dissolved upon project completion.
Membership Levels
Team Lead
The team Lead, Rylan Winter, serves as the legal owner of the team as an entity. In addition, the Team Lead will serve as treasurer and will have final say regarding any decisions that relate to the Team's budget or to the look and layout of the camp. They will be the direct point of contact for event officials and will be responsible for submitting all completed plans to event staff.
Four Members will be elected annually to serve as officers. Each will oversee specific aspects of team functionality. These will be:
External Communication
Social media
Promotion and publishing of event schedules
Planning Event Entertainment
Planning & Creating games / Missions
Internal Communication
Distributing meeting agendas one week prior to each Team meeting
Taking and distributing meeting minutes
Organizing social Team events such as holiday parties
Managing interpersonal issues within the team
Keeping track of the team budget
Defining the budget for each committee or project
Obtaining budget approval from team Owner
Building projects
Camp planning
Team Storage solutions and management
Officers will act as mediators and final decision-makers if participants of an active committee can not reach a unanimous decision within their group. Officers shall report directly to the Team Lead, and each is responsible for documenting the status of any active committees within their assigned scope. Officers will work closely with the Team Lead, and will not permit any changes to the team budget, distribution of funds, or camp plans without express approval from the Team Lead. Additionally, all officers and the Team Lead shall collectively form the Officer Committee, which is authorized to issue accommodations if a Recruit or Member experiences extraneous circumstances which prevent them from meeting the minimum participation requirements (outlined below).
Officer Elections
Officer Elections will be held at the end of the year (October-December) or, in the event that an officer leaves their position while in office, a special election will be held at the next meeting. In either case, a minimum of two potential replacements must be nominated by the team members present and accept their nomination. An anonymous vote will be conducted of Members. A simple majority is required for election to an officer position. Should no nominee receive a majority vote, the nominee with the fewest votes will be eliminated from consideration and an additional vote will be conducted.
In the event of a special election, current officers shall abstain from voting except in the event of a tie.
Directors are team Members or Recruits that are assigned key tasks and roles for the duration of the year/event. These individuals are responsible for learning all they can about their role and providing any necessary information to their team to complete tasks that fall under their jurisdiction. Directors are the main contact point for their assigned tasks that year. They will be in charge of fielding questions & coming up with solutions to problems that arise during the event. Directors may assign other members as assistants for daily tasks and role needs.
List of Director roles & corresponding jobs available at the event.​​
Matters related to committee formation, budgets, and deadlines will be decided by Members, or established team participants. To be considered a Member, one must be a team participant who meets the minimum participation requirements outlined below and has been confirmed by the team according to the Recruit confirmation process. Initially, all current team members (excluding Recruits) will be considered Members.
Recruits are unconfirmed team members. Recruits must be referred by a Member and must complete an interview led by the team Lead and two Officers of the Owner’s choosing before being accepted as a Recruit. Once accepted, a Recruit must attend at least one themed event and meet the minimum participation requirements outlined below in order to be considered for confirmation as Members. After the initial introduction of recruits, they will be added to the Public Eye Discord and given the opportunity to engage further with their new teammates.
Recruit Confirmation
Each year at the January team meeting, any recruit who has attended their first event with the team and who has met all minimum participation requirements within the previous calendar year will be eligible for consideration to become a Member. All current Members will hold an anonymous confirmation vote for each Recruit meeting these criteria. Recruits must be approved by a â…” majority of team Members. Once confirmed, a Recruit may become a Member. Voting should be based on the Recruit’s work ethic and whether they work well with current Members.
If a recruit is not confirmed by a â…” majority, they may serve one additional year as a recruit and may be eligible for consideration for Membership a second time. The years need not be consecutive, but if they are not then the Recruit must be re-interviewed and re-approved by the team Lead and two Officers of the team Lead's choosing before being admitted for their repeat year. Additionally, the Recruit must meet all minimum participation requirements in their repeat year to be eligible for reconsideration. If the Recruit is not unanimously confirmed after the second vote, they will be removed from the Team and will be considered ineligible for Membership.
Minimum Participation Requirements
Meeting Attendance
Recruits must attend at least two monthly meetings prior to attending their first themed event with the team. Members, Officers, and the Team Lead are required to attend a minimum of one meeting per quarter. This ensures that Recruits are familiar with the committee system and meeting format, and that Members stay up-to-date on team activities, the planning and execution process, and the state of the budget.
Committee Involvement
Recruits must participate in at least one committee prior to attending their first themed event with the team. This is to give them an opportunity to experience how committees function, and to familiarize themselves with the expectations of being a team Member. Members must participate in a minimum of four committees each calendar year if they intend to attend the themed event for that year, or a minimum of two if they will not be attending in that year. Officers must participate in a minimum of three committees during their term in addition to fulfilling their role as an Officer regardless of whether or not they plan to attend any events that year.
Minimum Work Hours
All Recruits, Members, and Officers who attend the themed event must complete a minimum number of scheduled work hours at the event. The work schedule will be completed by a temporary committee and approved by the Officer Committee prior to the event, and will include shifts in set building, kitchen management, security, supply runs, entertainment, bartering, trash removal, and any other necessary tasks. Recruits must each complete a minimum average of 5 work hours per day attended, while Members and Officers must complete an average of 3 hours per day attended. There may be incentive to complete additional work hours.
Anyone attending early work access days will be credited for 5 work hours toward the event total. For example, if a Recruit attends the themed event for the full five days and also attends early work access, they will be responsible for completing a total of 20 work hours during the regular event, rather than 25 (5 hours per day), as they will have received a 5 hour credit for attending early work access.
If an assigned job is completed satisfactorily in under one hour, it shall be counted as one hour of work for that day. For example, if the day’s supply run takes 30 minutes, the person who completes the supply run will be credited with one hour of work for that activity.
Minimum Attendance Requirement
A minimum team size must attend each event in a given year. If this requirement is not met, the Public Eye will not attend the event as a team.
While it's possible to get by with less, the burden it puts on those who do attend is too high. Adherence to this requirement protects those who do attend from burnout and injury.
Team Event Dues
Effective in 2022, all Members and Recruits who are attending a event in a given year must divide the costs of the event between themselves. The total cost will be calculated by the Team Lead and communicated to all other team attendees prior to the event. Additionally, all confirmed Members who wish to retain their position within the team must contribute annual dues regardless of whether they plan to attend an event that year. The cost of these annual dues will be $50, and will contribute towards operation costs for the year. Unconfirmed Recruits are exempt from this.
Team commitment is due 4 months before the scheduled event.
Team commitment includes payment of team dues from attending and non attending event members during the time of final calculation. This ensures that purchase needs are accommodated in the budget before the event (ie: booking a rental truck to transport the set, ordering supplies, etc). If a Member or Recruit commits to attending the event in a given year and later is unable to attend, they are still responsible for the dues of an attending member so as not to place any unforeseen financial burden on other attendees. Team dues breakdown of cost.
Tent Placements
Themed tents or sleeping structures will be factored in the map design, but proof of concept images and structure dimensions must be submitted before the team submission deadline in early June.
Attending Members and Recruits may stay in the team camp if they follow theming requirements for 360° theming. However, unthemed tents or sleeping structures are NOT allowed in the Public Eye campsite. Attendees without themed sleep structures/tents will be required to sleep in assigned satellite camping or general camping during the event.
Note: If there are more than two unthemed tents within the team, we will apply for a satellite campsite in general to fill the non-theme members.
If a Member or Recruit is unable to meet the above criteria, they should contact the Team Lead and explain their situation. Accommodations and exceptions may be allowed on a case-by-case basis. A leave of absence (LOA) may be granted upon request.
In the event that an active Officer requires a LOA, they should work closely with the Team Lead to select and appoint a Member in good standing to serve in their place for the duration of their leave.
Should a Member fail to meet all minimum requirements for their membership tier in a calendar year without receiving an accommodation, they will lose Member status. They may rejoin the team as a Recruit should they choose to do so, pending approval from the Team Lead and Officer Committee.
​​Meeting Structure
Monthly meetings shall consist of a role call, reading and approval of minutes from the previous meeting, reports of committees, unfinished business, new business, committee formation, and adjournment. A minutes template is available here.
Role Call
During the role call, the note taker shall record the names and roles of all attendees and ensure that a quorum is present. A quorum is defined as at least 50% of all confirmed Members including at least half of the current serving officers. The Team Lead may be counted as an officer for this purpose. A quorum must be present in order for any voting to take place at the meeting.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the previous monthly meeting shall be read aloud. Attendees may propose amendments to the minutes for accuracy. Once amendments have been proposed and discussed, the minutes may be approved by a unanimous vote. This is to ensure accuracy in all recording of team activities.
Reports of Committees
All currently active committees should have at least one delegate at each monthly meeting. This person should report on the status of that committee’s project, including whether the committee’s project is on-schedule and on-budget, as well as reporting on any progress that has been made toward project completion.
Unfinished Business
The team will review all unfinished tasks and their deadlines, as well as projects proposed at previous meetings that were discussed but tabled. They will then determine whether to move forward with any of these projects at the current time.
New Business
New suggestions and project proposals may be made at this time.
Committee Formation
If by this time the team has determined that a new committee should be formed, they should work together to decide on the timeline and budget for that particular project, and to determine which officer should be responsible for overseeing the project. Afterwards, attendees may volunteer to be a part of any new committees. However, committees must consist of no less than three and no more than five participants.
The note-taker shall announce the time and date of the next monthly meeting, then record the time that the meeting is adjourned.
Amendment of the Charter
Should Members recognize a need to amend the Charter, a proposal must be made at a Monthly Meeting at which a quorum is present. The amendment must then be approved by a minimum of two thirds of the total team Membership and by the team Lead before going into effect.
Next Steps
Monthly meetings will be held on the first Saturday of each month at 7:30 pm PDT. Attendance is optional, but every individual is responsible for ensuring that they meet the minimum participation requirements for their membership tier.
Thank you all for your continued efforts to make this a fun and productive project for everyone!