2024 Attendee Dues = TBD based on the event you wish to join.
Dues for 2024 are still TBD and will depend on several key factors:
The number of attendees (members and recruits)
Storage and transportation costs
Fundraising efforts
Remember, more attendance = lower cost with the same benefit!
Fundraiser participation = reduced cost!
Non - Attending:
Non-attending team members are responsible for a minimum of $50 annual team dues. This is primarily meant to help cover the cost of year-round set storage but is deducted from the overall expenses for the year. The remaining balance is divided evenly among attending team members and recruits.
Note: Members who have received an approved leave of absence are not liable for annual dues.
Dues Breakdown:
The overall cost to bring the Public Eye to each event is TBD based on the attendance and load size. ​​Any funds gained from pre-event merch sales, fundraisers or donations goes back into the team to reduce the operational costs for each event. ​
​If we over estimated the cost, Everyone will get money returned back to them. Transparency provided before and after booking so that team knows what is happening. ​​​
​Our goal is to make just enough money yearly to remove the teams operational costs so that we can all go to work these events without an added expense.
Additional Expenses:
The team will vote on shared costs or donated goods to be factored into the over all dues. By standard these are extra and not something you are charged for by default!
Large bar operations estimate is $300 per year, to be covered by voluntary donation. Additional donated contributes may include:
Kitchen Snacks
Kitchen Drinks
Cleaning Soaps
Shower Soaps (Bring personal care still!)
​Working Events? Money Income?​​​​
While you are at these events with us you are working and representing the Public Eye. In some cases you will be compensated for your time woking.
Sponsored - Some of these events are paid gigs, cover cost will be sponsored and you will be paid for your time working.
Vendor - Some of these events are vendor experiences where we pay for the booth and the money return is based on what we sell or provide personally.
Pay to Play - Other events are greater involvement where we sponsor merch sales ahead of performance to help bring the art sets and experiences to large scale events. At events with no returns we strive to provide exposure and connections for you to build your greater involvement as you want.
While not everything is guaranteed to get you paid for your time spent, each experience will give you the ability to promote yourself and your art on our platform. We aim to provide the stage for you to bring the experience/art that you want to each of these creative endeavors.
We are an artist collective that seeks to give visibility to whatever creativity our team designs!
Small Event: (RenFaire / Popup)
Rental Truck Estimate
2024 hauling cost
Booth cost 4 Merch Sale
~$250+ (TBD Estimate)
gas for supply truck, communal water supply, propane, team supplies
Total: ~$200
2 - 4 people
+ split cost of booth price if selling personal merch.
$200 - $50 per person estimate
or less w/ larger team size
Medium Event: (Neotropolis)
Rental Truck Estimate
2024 hauling cost
~ 300 Gas
gas for rental truck, communal water supply, propane, and team supplies.
Total: ~$1,200.00
4 - 8 people
$300 - $150 per person estimate
or less w/ larger team size
Large Event: (Wasteland)
Rental Truck Estimate
2024 hauling cost
~$1,247.66 Rental
~$400 Gas
gas for rental truck, communal water supply, propane, team supplies
Total: ~$1,750.00
6 - 8 people
$291.66 - $218.75 per person estimate or less w/ larger team size